Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Sharing Plaid

This marks day 3 of the daily sewing challenge. I feel like I may have a bit of an advantage over people who work outside the home. I'm not only sewing for my daughter but I'm filling orders and sewing daily every week. I so often put the projects for others ahead of those I've started for my own little bird or my sweet nephews. I realized that this week is a chance to really push myself to focus on things for my sweets!

This dress is a repurposed men's button down shirt. My father's old button down to be precise. I love a good repurpose so whenever my parents are giving clothing to goodwill I make a point to go through it. Not too long ago my dad went through his closet and handed me a pile of shirts with this one on top. This was one of his favorites when I was growing up and the dark green plaid is soft and familiar. I knew I had to make a dress for Litttlebird out of it. She adores my dad and was so excited to find out it was his. Slight misunderstandings happen when you are talking with a not yet two year old. She told me excitedly today that this "Was Appa's dress, now my dress!" Close...

Men's button down shirts seem to wear out on the cuffs and collar but not in the large reusable pieces of fabric so I'm always trying new ways to reuse them. I have a quilt on my bed of my husband's old button downs and I have a few skirts from them. This is by far my favorite button down repurpose I've tried!

The pattern is one of my own with the matching rounded front and back. The little sleeves have just enough poof to make them charming. The use of a men's button down is obvious from the buttons up the back and the curves of the shirttail kept intact.

Finally, I'll add, that yes, the only way my little girl will pose is if she is bribed with a "Lolli Plop". *Sigh*

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